Fallout 76 rating ign
Fallout 76 rating ign

fallout 76 rating ign

The largest and central region surrounding Vault 76 is starter area The Forest, full of autumnal woodland and sloped hills with towns in the valleys between. Ash Heap is a burnt out, smoke-choked and embered husk which brings to mind the real-life story of Centralia, PA, and The Mire is a dangerous gas-hued swampland of damaged huts and survivalist bunkers that is convincingly terrifying, especially at night. Exploration has always been a key part of the Fallout series, and Appalachia’s six different named regions provide a sense of characterful variety that has never been apparent in the franchise's previously presented locales based on DC, Las Vegas, or Boston. There are unprecedented joys in the expansive possibility space of Fallout 76, at least during those times when its inner workings are functioning properly.įallout 76 is a prequel within the series’ timeline, with players taking on the role of a Vault 76 dweller in Appalachia (West Virginia in all but name) surviving in a diverse wilderness that is begging to be faced and conquered. It’s unlike most anything else in the instanced multiplayer genre, though its comparisons to the comfort-food-like pleasure derived from modern Fallout games is immediately apparent and consistent, meaning that it will definitely scratch the itch for those previously bitten by the Bethesda bug in the past. Much like the Super Mutants featured throughout the series, Fallout 76 is a bizarre science experiment with often destructive results, but its function as a story creation engine is virtually unparalleled in this year of gaming.

Fallout 76 rating ign